September 22, 2017

Attorney Mooradian Appointed Chairperson of the Worcester County Bar Association's Immigration Section

Attorney Mooradian has been appointed as the chair of the Worcester County Bar Association's new immigration law section.  As the chair of this section, Attorney Mooradian looks forward to providing professional development programs for attorneys and informing other attorneys about immigration consequences related to actions in their practice areas.  

Immigration issues affect the practice of all members of the Worcester County Bar, that is,  immigration issues do not occur in a vacuum.  Documentation status can affect housing, criminal matters, family issues, and many other areas of life and law.  And in Worcester, the immigrant population is constantly changing and growing.

Attorney Mooradian hopes to host several programs with the immigration law section, including programming around the currently debated DACA issues, as well as issues affecting immigrant children and families.  

In addition to providing educational opportunities to other attorneys, Attorney Mooradian hopes to provide an event that is community-facing, and which will provide an opportunity for community members to meet with attorneys, ask questions, and gain exposure to working with an attorney and the forms of relief that might be available to them.

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