May 12, 2017

Attorney Mooradian Speaks at Worcester Rotary Club on Immigration Reform

Attorney Mooradian spoke yesterday to a group of Rotary Club members at the Worcester Green Hill Golf Course.  The presentation, entitled "Immigrant Voices and Immigration Policy," gave an overview of what has been happening in immigration policy since the time of the recent presidential election.  

During the presentation, Attorney Mooradian shared client stories from some of his most challenging cases, and he highlighted the resilience of many clients who make journeys to the United States.  Some of these client stories include those of immigrant juveniles, who travel to the United States through "el camino," or a long journey to the United States by foot, bus, or train.  During these journeys, children face many perils including violence, starvation, and even death.  

Following the presentation, Attorney Mooradian fielded questions from the audience and had great further conversation with some of the Rotary members.

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