June 18, 2017

Attorney Mooradian Volunteers with Ascentria Care Alliance for Immigration Clinic

Attorney Alex Mooradian assisted clients at Asentria Care Alliance during their immigration clinic over the weekend.  The clinic is usually well-attended, and over 40 individuals were assisted during this session in applying for citizenship.

During the course of the day, Attorney Mooradian met with clients to ensure the quality of their applications, analyze their eligibility for citizenship, and provide guidance on fee waivers where appropriate.

Citizenship is extremely beneficial for eligible green card holders.  First, citizenship is permanent, and an approval for citizenship does away with the need to renew (and pay expensive fees to renew) green cards (permanent resident cards).  Second, citizenship allows voting in federal elections, as well as the ability to run for office in many elections.  Third, certain benefits, such as social security, might require that the beneficiary be a U.S. Citizen. Fourth, and very importantly-- citizenship is a guarantee that an individual cannot be deported.  Many green card holders may have a criminal incident that results in their placement in deportation proceedings.  Without citizenship, these criminal defendants will not have the same rights as citizens, and may find themselves unexpectedly at risk of being removed from the country.

Clearly, citizenship is a very powerful benefit, and naturalization is usually a great and celebratory event for many clients.  There are numerous requirements for becoming a citizen, and an attorney can properly evaluate eligibility before entering the application and attending the citizenship interview.  When it comes time to be sworn in, clients can have numerous unique locations for the swearing in.  Some of Attorney Mooradian's clients have been sworn in as United States Citizens at the Worcester Art Museum, and at historic theaters and venues in Worcester and Lowell.

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