October 19, 2018

Presentation at Boston University School of Social Work

Attorney Mooradian spoke to students in the Boston University School of Social Work’s graduate program last week.  His presentation, which focuses on trauma-informed interviewing and how current policy affects immigrants, was followed by a discussion with students.  Throughout the presentation, Mooradian reminded students that immigrant voices are not monolithic, and that immigrants’ goals and aspirations in the United States may vary.  At the same time, life experiences, in particular for those fleeing persecution or who are facing life challenges at young ages, may impact their ability to recall details of their life histories or to engage with their attorney.  Mooradian provided advice about how to build rapport with clients and how to better understand a client’s reticence to fully participate in the representation.

Attorney Mooradian also touched upon several hot topics, including the border wall, temporary protected status, the “caravan” of migrants fleeing to the United States, and family separation at the border pursuant to a so-called zero tolerance policy.

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